Graduation Pictures/ Jacksonville Photographer

These graduation pictures were taken at Texas Tech University. I was beyond thrilled to photograph this handsome couple again. Plus, I got to see their adorable baby and snap a few photos since he is now six months old. How cute is he in his baby scrubs? I took senior photos when I graduated from high school but I didn’t think to take professional ones when I graduated college. This couple is graduating from medical school. So, impressive to do it together (and with a baby).

It is important to document the people in our lives in addition to big milestones as well. They knew where they wanted photos taken and occasionally I would stop and say, “this looks like a good spot can we take them here.” Dad would say, “You know the only photo we are going to regret taking is the one we didn’t take. So, let’s do it.” I knew I liked them! We were able to get in a ton of variety. They were able to change clothes and fulfilled my dream of photographing someone in cowboy boots. I mean how can I move away from Texas without photographing boots? They wore their college colors and of course just like her maternity session the attention to detail was wonderful. Mom wore adorable Texas earrings. They had their guns up for the Texas Red Raiders. College campuses are beautiful and such a great place to take photographs. W-Watermark-1 W-Watermark-2

Click on to see their adorable baby in scrubs.

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